Trapped: Divorce is a Human Right

Consequences for Climate Change: ICJ Hearings on States’ Legal Obligations Under International Law

Head of State Immunity and the ICC: A Legal Crossroad

The Newborn: Republika e Kosovës

Legislation with a Bite: Pit Bull Ban Laws in the United Kingdom

Trump Tarrifs

How International Law can hold FIFA Liable for their Human Rights Violations

Soto’s Free Agency and Human Rights Protections for Dominican Prospects

When the World Stopped Paying Attention – A Lesson Learned from Justice Denied

The EU’s Continued Efforts in Addressing GenAI and Copyright Law

Paid Maternity Leave Examined

From Declarations to Actions: The Needed Efforts of the UN to Enforce the UDHR

To Draft or Not to Draft? For The Dominican Republic, the Answer is Not to Draft.