Author: Jake Sher
J.D., Magna Cum Laude, Certificate in International Law, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University; Productions Editor, PILR 2015-2016; of Counsel, 2016 Jessup International Moot Court Competition.

Toward an International Pro Bono movement?

Left in Limbo: Syrian Refugees Under Turkey’s Law

“Tase me, bro?” An international perspective on the TASER

Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts — and ‘Western’ Operatives Bearing the ‘Regin’ Trojan

(a post without a title for those without a state)

In Putin’s Russia, Computer Hacks You! Following Russia’s Shadowy Hacker Unit, “APT28”

A New UN Convention to Govern a New War Front?

Contras Revisited: Arming Syria’s Rebels

Prosecutor v. The Islamic State? A New Kind of Article 48 Violation