December 7, 2014December 7, 2014kcrowley Thomas Lubanga Dyilo’s conviction confirmed, as well as his 14 year sentencing
October 19, 2014October 19, 2014nlee Nairobi Government Refused to Cooperate with ICC Investigation Against Kenya’s President
May 27, 2014May 27, 2014ffortunato Germain Katanga, Congo Warlord, Sentenced to12 years in Prison by the ICC
April 4, 2014April 4, 2014dm25660w Public Edition Preview: A Spectrum of International Criminal Law Procedures
February 26, 2014February 26, 2014rsullivan Will former WWII ‘Comfort Women’ Receive the Validation they Deserve?
February 22, 2014February 22, 2014cgreen UN Condemns Human Rights Abuses in North Korea, Implicates China
January 19, 2014January 19, 2014ffortunato UK Military and Civilian Officials Linked to War Crimes in Iraq